Embark on an extraordinary journey through the desolated kingdom of Penumbra and discover the hidden secrets of this long-forgotten land. Explore mystical temples, where you’ll need to master the art of movement to survive increasingly difficult 3D platforming challenges. During your adventure you’ll slash your way through daunting adversaries, encounter survivors and take on strange quests to collect valuable items.
Robi Studios
Graffiti Games
February 4, 2021
Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One
Blue Fire Review
“Blue Fire provides and impeccable 3D platformer experience with the just right balance of abilities to master”
IGN16.6M subscribers
Blue Fire Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?
“I really, really enjoy this game.”
Nintendo Life671K subscribers
Blue Fire Nintendo Switch Review!
“In all honesty I think the developers here have done a wonderful job.”
SwitchUp249K subscribers