Mable & The Wood is a Metroidvania where players hunt down massive beasts, and, upon destroying them, shapeshift into their forms in order to use their powers to save or destroy the world. Players with less violent intent can find secret paths to complete Mable without killing anything, including bosses.
Unlike most Metroidvanias Mable & The Wood does not allow players to run, jump and kill on their own. Instead, they must use non-human forms to attack creatures and traverse through difficult challenges. Additionally, in Mable players can find secrets to help them find varied, non-violent paths through the world and discover different sides to the story.
Triplevision Games
Graffiti Games
August 23, 2019
Nintendo Switch, PC, XBox One
Should You Play Mable & The Wood on Nintendo Switch?
“Honestly such a terrific, wonderful, adorable game!”
8BE85K subscribers
Mable And The Wood - Creator Interview
“The Ruby Tuesday had the chance to interview the creator of the upcoming Metroidvania style game Mable And The Wood.”
The Ruby Tuesday13.5K subscribers